Organ massage
Organ massage is a deep transformative way of healing rooted from the Taoist and Siberian Tradition. Both Siberian Shaman Ahamkara and Healing Tao Senior Instructor Dirkje Veltman offer the possibility...
Organ massage is a deep transformative way of healing rooted from the Taoist and Siberian Tradition. Both Siberian Shaman Ahamkara and Healing Tao Senior Instructor Dirkje Veltman offer the possibility...
Renee is gespecialiseerd in diverse massage technieken en healing. Ze behandelt o.a. rug-, nek-, schouder, gewrichts- klachten, pijn, maar ook thema’s rond burn-out, vermoeidheid, angst, verdriet, oude patronen, hoog sensitiviteit,...
In the Inca tradition the "Hatun Karpay" are considered as the Big Initiations. You can receive them with 6 months integration time in between. The first Karpay is the Munay...
Karine is specialised in Trauma Healing. Schooled by several indigenous shamans in the methodes of Trauma Healing she makes you feel safe to allow the light transformation to take place...