Unleash your life’s purpose workshop: Discover your calling (2 days)

Do you believe that you were put on this earth with a specific purpose in mind? Have you ever thought “There must be more to life than this?” Would you like to learn to find joy and meaning in the ordinary? You will receive more clarity on this personal subject during the 2 day workshop “unleash your life’s purpose workshop: Discover your calling” with urban shaman Elliott Rivera. View the full video to get a better idea of this 2 day workshop at Zennergi.
Full interview with urban shaman Elliott Rivera on “Unleash your life’s purpose workshop”
Ask yourself these three simple questions:
Finding your passion could be easier than you think. By answering these questions honestly, you could work out what to do with the rest of your life.
“What subject could I read 500 books about without getting bored?”
“What could I do for five years straight without getting paid?”
“What would I spend my time doing if I had complete financial abundance to do anything?”
Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life—the reasons you get up in the morning.
Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to vocation—meaningful, satisfying work. For others, their purpose lies in their responsibilities to their family or friends. Others seek meaning through spirituality or religious beliefs. Some people may find their purpose clearly expressed in all these aspects of life.
In this 2 day workshop you will learn: What are your passions?
Your calling will engage both your mind and your heart—you’re natural gifts and the issues you care about most. Your passions will reveal where you want to direct your energy and guide your goals.
Ask yourself:
What do I care about most in the world?
Whom do I want to help the most?
When do I feel most engaged with what I am doing?
How would I use a gift of a million dollars if it had to be given away?
When your life and work decisions are based on your gifts and passions, the power of purpose emerges, bringing alignment, energy, flow, and aliveness.
You will learn to Identify Your Values. Your values support your actions. They are your underlying driving force and what really matters to you. They can be as simple as equality for all, treating others with kindness, or picking up after yourself. Often your values relate to how you want to be remembered.
Set Goals Connected to Purpose: Goals and purpose are not synonymous. Goals are more specific, finite accomplishments that serve your ultimate purpose. For example, one of your broader life purposes might be to empower others to take better care of the environment. A goal that will help you honor this purpose could be as ambitious as organizing a neighborhood campaign to clean up the local park, or as simple as teaching your daughter to turn the light off when she leaves the room.
Identifying authentic goals
Authentic goals are:
Harmonious. Setting goals for your life works best if they are integrated with one another and serve a broader purpose. For example, you’ll have better success achieving your goal of traveling internationally if you also aim to save money. Goals that conflict with one another will frustrate you and cause stress.
Approach-oriented. Science says that when we work toward something (like creating better relationships with others), we have a much better chance of sticking with it then when we work against it (like avoiding conflict with others). Write your goals down. Do they have approach-oriented wording?
Centered on an activity. Achieving activity-related goals, such as learning a specific task, meeting a deadline, or creating something tangible, can help produce feelings of accomplishment and progress, which will encourage you to keep going in the direction you’re headed.
Ask Yourself
Reflect upon your calling. What are some authentic goals you could accomplish in the next year that will help fulfill your purpose? The next five years? Your whole lifetime? Write them down using specific details and timelines.
Create a one-year vision plan
Your vision is a picture of your anticipated way of life. The more clearly you can hold that picture in your mind, the more likely you’ll be able to achieve it.
To develop a one-year vision, answer the following questions:
What was the most important issue, question, or priority you were dealing with a year ago?
What is the most important issue, question, or priority you are dealing with now?
How are you most different today from a year ago?
How did you define and measure success a year ago?
How do you define and measure success today?
Now, imagine that it is one year from today. Imagine your ideal day. Where are you? Whom are you with? What are you doing that brings you fulfillment? How are you shaping your space and time so that all of your best qualities emerge?
In this workshop, we will practice stilling the mind, moving the body, opening the heart, writing as a creative pathway of discovery, and connecting with other likeminded individuals.
If you are feeling stagnant, discontent, and are ready for a change then this workshop is for you.
Other programs & workshops of Elliott:
- “Advanced program for intuition & channeling” – 16 days (8 weekends)
Practical information:
Teacher: Shaman Elliott Rivera
Price: EUR 275 (2 days, bring own lunch)
Date: October 12 & 13
Hours: 10h-17h
Subscribe: via “Submit” or info@zennergi.be
Payment: deposit to reassure your submission. Rest is due on first class day. The account number will be provided in the automatic reponse when subscribed.
Extra: Easy Clothing (yoga mats, cushions & pillows are provided)
Doors Open: 30 min. before start, via main entrance (streetside)
Address: KC, Kanaalstraat 10, Purmerend, The Netherlands
Contact: via info@zennergi.be (preferably) or +32488473033
Hotels: for suggestions see “hotels”