Trip To Siberia – Altai Mountains (11 days with Shaman Ahamkara)

with the Siberian shaman Ahamkara
Shamanic rituals, connection with power places and nature.
Day 1: We will meet together at a main airport in your country and fly in the morning or in the afternoon. We will arrive to Barnaul next day at morning time.
Day 1-2: We will visit Teleckoye lake.
Teletskoye Lake – It’s the largest lake in the Altai. The maximum depth of the lake is about 330 meters.
The name has his origin as one of the lakes of the Altai tribe Teleuts. The lake is often called the younger brother of Lake Baikal. Just like the Baikal Lake it is very deep, stretched between the mountains and has a much greater length than width, it falls into many rivers and streams (80), and follows only one river – Biya.
In the Altai Lake Teletskoye it is called Altyn Kol, which means “Golden Lake”.
Filled with mountain water it is a cold, deep lake during the year. In the upper zone, beneath the surface, is even in hot summer days the temperature of the water rarely above 10 ° C.
Day 3 – 4: We will visit Karakol – 7 mountains lakes.
Karakol Lakes – a group of seven picturesque alpine lakes.
Karakol lakes are from glacial-tectonic origin. The basins of the lakes are located on the steps of a giant cirque stairs. The lowest, the seventh lake, lies at an altitude of
about 1800 meters above sea level. Uppermost, the first lake, at nearly 2,100 mtr. The size of the lakes decreases with increasing altitude, as well as the temperature of water in them. The largest lake is 440 m in length, and with a width of 350 m it has an area of about 12 hectares. Thanks to a significant elevation changes the Karakol lakes cover a wide range of climatic zones. The lakes are surrounded by mountain massifs and cedar taiga forest. Above the trees you’ll find alpine meadows with a wide variety of colors, but for a small area of the upper lakes characteristic flora and fauna of alpine tundra.
The lakes are connected with each other and the streams are separated by distances of 300-800 meters. To make the ascent hiking, from the bottom of the lake to the top, will take a couple of hours. The water in the lakes is cold and clear, almost no aquatic vegetation, as well as fish. So when fishing, being muffled well is necessary. In the region of Karakol lakes flow many streams and small rivers with beautiful waterfalls.
Day 5-6 We will travel to a place with many petroglyph (pictures on the rocks).
Altai, without exaggeration, can be called a country of petroglyphs. In Altai they are found almost everywhere.
Petroglyphs have been known to the local population as “bichiktu-kai” or “bichiktu-Boom” – painted by a rock. Often the “bichiktu-kai” which have been preserved not only show drawings but also inscriptions, usually rune. A similar petroglyph name as “inscriptions” were distributed in Siberia in the 18th and 19th century.
The petroglyphic complex Yalbak-Tash (Kalbak-Tash) is one of the largest concentration of rock paintings in the Altai Mountains, from different periods (Bronze Age till the period of ethnographic age). Studies in the 70/80-ies of the complex generated enormous interest throughout the scientific world for this monument.
Researchers estimate “Kalbak-Tash” has ca. 8000 figures and inscriptions. Among them are shapes of various animals as ungulates and predators carved on the smooth rock surface with runic inscriptions, drawn by the migrating, ancient Turkic. Under a large rock monolith with pictures apparently the altar of sacrifice was placed. These days, this place is still a cult object. The complex runic inscriptions are the largest within Russia.
It is located 7 km west of the village Iodro Ongudai area.
Chronologically, the images can be attributed to the Bronze Age (final stage), Scythian, Hun-Sarmatian, the Ancient era. There is a monument, covering the history of art from the end of the Gorno-Altai 2nd millennium BC till the end of the 19th century.
Day 6:
We will stay near the village Tungur (translated from the Altai language: shamanic drum). We will see Belukha Mountain from a distance.
Mount Belukha
For local residents the sacred mountain of Belukha whale is a symbol of purity of spirit, and the center of the universe.
By Altaic legends, Belukha is the umbilical cord of the earth. Not accidentally, in Hindu mythology is precisely the Belukha mountain (Meru), on which rests the whole world.
There is a legend that tells that during a period on earth of earthquakes and floods, a war is going on, and many people will die. But in front of Belukha everything stops. From the mountains comes a woman. She will stop the war, and then the “golden world” begins. Interestingly, the Belukha is a mountain of a woman with a child.
According to the ecological traditions of the Altai, Russian, Kazakh population, all sources under Belukha are healing springs. Medical fields are yellow, gray, blue, white and red clay in the surrounding Belukha spurs. In the eyes of the local population has a belukha an aesthetic value. From it originated the most beautiful rivers of the Altai, here are the most popular natural features – lakes and waterfalls.
Modern mystics in the continuation of the teachings of Roerich believe that between the highest peak of Altai and the Himalayas is a certain energy bridge. They argue that it is energizing the people, contributing to longer life, youth, and even the attainment of immortality. Roerich for belukha and approaches to it – a place with space.
Day 7
We will leave Altai. In the morning we will be transferred to Barnaul. We will arrive to Barnaul airport later in the evening.
Day 8
The flight to Moscow by plane will be in the early morning. The arrival in Moscow will be in the morning too. The plane to your country will leave in the afternoon or in the evening.
Price: € 1350
Included: transfers, food and camp, invitation for visa to Russia.
Excluded: flights, food during transfer by bus, the fee for the visa (ca. € 50 – € 80).
It is possible to organize a few days in Moscow, Baikal lake or Arkaim city after the Altai trip or visit my healing -retreat center. It is possible to arrange additional travel on horses to the foot of the Belukha for 4-5 days. It will cost extra and will be calculated individually.
Important for the trip:
Airplane tickets are not included. You need to be in Barnaul before 11:00 am on August, 02rd, and in the morning of August, 11th ready to leave Barnaul (Barnaul has only one airport). You have to take with you: sleeping bag, spoon, cup, plate, electric torch, raincoat, hiking shoes/boots, backpack. During the whole journey we will use a private bus to travel. Most of the hikes will take 4 hours a day, therefore you need a small backpack for lunch and water.
The registration deadline for the trip will be until the 25st February. For registration send a copy of your travel passport and your home address to email: