Teachings of The Red Earth (3 weekends – 9 days)

Teachings of the Red Earth connects you with the ancient knowledge of the Aboriginals. Since several years Shaman Blue Star is traveling through the Outback in Australia to meet with a special medicine man. Together they do ceremonies for mother earth and now the time has come for the people in Europe to connect with the wisdom of the red earth through rituals and storytelling. By the “international Pan American Indian Association” she was anointed to perform healing ceremonies.
Full interview with Shaman Blue Star about the “Teachings of the red earth”
Clanmother and Shaman Blue Star
“Blue Star” is a Shaman, Healer, Medium, story teller and exceptional teacher of Aboriginal & North American-Indian spirituality. The traditional name for a shaman is “a person of knowledge”, a person who passes on knowledge.
After many years of traveling throughout Australia Blue Star got adopted by the aboriginals after she also became part of the Susquehannock tribe through Chief Piercing Eyes Penns. After this event she traveled more then & 8 years with his successor Chief Dancing Thunder. She obtained a Master degree in Music, invented “Dreamtime Piano Music”, studied psychology, Dream Therapy, Gestallt Therapie and is part of transpersonal healers in the Nederlands. She also is anointed as “International Clan Mother of the Pan American Indian Association”.
As acknowledged “World Master Teacher” Blue Star teaches all over the world to share the incredible rituals passed on to her. She serves spirit by spreading this ancient knowledge and bringing healing. A few pictures below show a few of Blue Star’s visits to the Medicine Man from the Outback.
Inspiration from a Medicine Man from the Outback
The aboriginal people live in what they call the “Dreamtime”. In this state of being you experience connection with all that is. Teachings of the Red Earth is inspired on many years of doing ceremonies together with a great Medicine Man* from the Outback who is the keeper of the creation stories of his land and who shows you how to “dream” this connection.
*For reasons of Tribal respect we do not mention the Medicine Man’s name.
3 weekend Program: Teachings of the Red Earth:
In a nutshell “Teachings of the Red Earth” will connect you with: walks through the eternal gates of the Dreamtime, knowledge from your ancestors, your ancestry tree, dreamtime animals, traveling through dreamtime symbols, wisdom of the star nations, ancient rituals, “reading” aboriginal paintings, receiving energy from the Dreamtime, stories from the Dreamtime, Ngangkari – the traditional healers of Central Australia, perception of multidimensional layers and the understanding of its connections, tribal relations, skin names, history and ancient aboriginal knowledge, initiations for men and women, songlines, connection with mother earth, reading information in holy stones, awaken unending energy in yourself, face paints, tracking, awakening spiritual perception, dreamtime healing with didgeridoo.. and so much more.
Video: Aboriginal Dot Paintings & Creation from the Dreamtime
Practical information:
Teacher: Shaman Blue Star
Price: EUR 1350 (lunch excl.)
Dates: dates will follow soon
Participants: min. 8 – max. 18
Start: 10h – 17h
Language: English
Payment: through deposit to reassure your submission. Rest is due in cash or via banktransfer on first class day. The account number will be provided in the automatic reponse when subscribed. Spread payments are a possibility. Please send your request to info@zennergi.be.
Submit: via “Submit” or info@zennergi.be
Facilities: changing room, floor heating, Free Lounge & Tea Corner
Extra: Easy Clothing (yoga mats, cushions & pillows are provided)
Doors Open: 30 min. before start, via main entrance (streetside)
Contact: via info@zennergi.be (preferably) or +32488473033
Address: KC, Kanaalstraat 10, Purmerend, The Netherlands
Hotels: for suggestions see “hotels”
Only by reconnecting with the age-old teachings of the indigenous peoples will the children of this planet have a future. Blue Star generously shares this wisdom. It's an honour to enjoy her soul essence and to learn about this wisdom and finally start to embody it and become a multiplicator of it. I wish that as many persons as possible become multiplicators of this old universal wisdom, so one day in a not to far future we will build up the critical mass to trigger the profound change necessary in our society, to come back to a conscious relationship with all that is living, in balance, respect, and love. The past is our future. All my love to Blue Star and the beautiful human beings who were at my side during these 4 week-ends. I remember the prophecy given to me 27 years ago by a shaman in Mexcio : "Follow your path. Your destiny is connected with many others, which are interconnected with each other." It is only now that I can start to explore the depth and width of this prophecy. I express my hope that there will be a "Teachings of the Red Earth" follow-up course !