Advanced program for intuition & channeling

During 8 weekends Shaman and trancemedium Elliott Rivera will train your abilities to receive and pass on clear spiritual messages. This advanced program for intuition and channeling is focused on strengthening your ability to connect with your spirit guides, spirit totems, ancestors and to align you with your true spiritual purpose on earth. During this year program you will awaken your spiritual senses to a higher level and you will learn to implement them in your daily life. After submission you will receive a personal invitation to discuss your participation with Elliott.
Get to know Elliott and his longterm teaching program on the introduction evening. Subscribe here.
Afro Cuban Shamanism: Santeria Tradition
From ancient times on a shaman is seen as a leader, healer and teacher. He or she is someone strongly connected with nature and can anticipate on changes just like animals. Shamans know, see or feel what is going to happen. Right now is the moment to learn how to act consciously from the heart to reach your goals in life. Elliott Rivera is Sangoma (Shaman) and priest of the Afro-Cuban Santeria. He teaches how you can bring healing in your life and how to connect with your ancestors. He works as a trance medium in connection with his ancestors and transmits messages that can contribute to your growth.
Full interview with Urban Shaman Elliott Rivera about “Advanced program for intuition & channeling”
Elliott about this “advanced program of intuition & channeling”:
This new long term program is divided into 2 parts over 8 weekend sessions. For this long term program we will conduct an interview/reading to investigate your desire and paring for the program. If you have already completed the first channeling program you are automatically eligible and do not need to interview.
You might ask as to why I should interview. The answer is simple, we want to see how deep your interest is and how you fit in the program. I find that by first talking with a participant we can see how deep you are willing to go, and how committed to the work you will need to put into your progress and that of the group.
This program is not just a Channeling program, most of the participants that join this group in the past have some ability in channeling. This program is designed not only to help you to better connect with your individual spirit guide and spirit totem but to align yourself with your true spiritual purpose.
If you have taken courses with any shaman you know they all speak about spirit guides, ancestors and totems. In this program you will get to truly understand the meaning of their teaching when they speak on this subject. In all cultures and teaching the ancestors are an important part of their teachings.
Another very important topic we will discuss is how to better understand the “Star Nations/Star people/Star Language” Who, What and where are they? What must we as the earth keepers do to prepare for them?
Weekend 1-3 will be for participants that are either new to channeling or have had courses with shamans that discussed spirit guides and ancestors. Please understand that this will be a fast paced program.
Spiritual development has nothing to do with religion or belief systems. Spirituality comes from within our deepest selves. It is a feeling we carry in our hearts and souls. We develop our spirituality, you don’t learn it in school or in many cases at home. You can be the most hardened person and still be very spiritual, and in the same token, you can be the most sensitive individual and not be at all connected to your spiritual side. This program will help you to master your higher spiritual energy.
During this long-term program, you will develop and open your senses to a higher level. Your contact with guides will become quicker and stronger. Dreams are part of our daily lives. However many people believe they don’t dream. The truth is we all dream, the problem is that we can’t remember them. You can improve your ability to remember your dreams. And develop the ability to analyze them for yourself as well as your others.
Elliott is just like the other shamans at Zennergi an acknowledge “world master teacher” which is a quality label for indigenous teachings worldwide.
Program: 8 weekends
Part 1
Weekend 1:
- Creating a powerful intention Learning to breathe again
- The power of meditation opening the pineal gland (3rd eye)
- What is the influence of our past in the spiritual world and in contact with our spirits?
- Breaking through your fears. What stops you?
- Learning how to remove old patterns and energies before conducting a clear channeling
- Connecting with your ancestors.
- Reconnecting to your essence.
Weekend 2:
- Creating a powerful intention Learning to breathe again
- The power of meditation opening the pineal gland (3rd eye)
- What is the influence of our past in the spiritual world and in contact with our spirits?
- Breaking through your fears. What stops you?
- Learning how to remove old patterns and energies before conducting a clear channeling
- Connecting with your ancestors.
- Reconnecting to your essence.
Weekend 3:
- What is your purpose and goal of spirituality, for self, and the universe?
- What is the influence of our past in the spiritual world and in contact with our spirits guides?
- Learning how to remove old patterns and energies before conducting a clear channeling
- Learn how to be a pure, clear and reliable channel for clear energies and messages
- Connecting with spirit; how and why?
- Connecting with spirits in deep meditation
Part 2
Weekend 4:
- Tuning up your psychic vibration.
- How we receive psychic information, how to understand and use the information.
- Turning vibration and becoming centered.
- Creating balance in your core male and female energies.
- Dealing with your emotions and creating balance.
- Mediumistic communication and proof of life.
- Communicating in a 3 way conversation
Weekend 5:
- Honor Your Dark Side: Understanding your shadow side.
- Blending the spirit with the medium
- Ascended Masters, Angels and Aliens
- A New Dawn; What’s out there or here: A look into the Star Nations
Weekend 6:
- Improving your Bio field, regenerating our personal energy field.
- Channeling your spirit energies to create healing: first yourself then your world.
- The magical power of intention
- Dream Space and Lucid Dreaming
- Guiding Signs, we all get them, don’t miss yours
Weekend 7:
- What are pendulums (not what you might think)
- Destructive pendulum and how to defeat them.
- The pendulum vortex
Weekend 8:
- Group work intense
- Why are you here
- Determining your life purpose
- Integrating your purpose as a channel/medium
Other programs & workshops of Elliott:
- “Unleash your life’s purpose workshop” – 2 days
Practical information:
Price: EUR 2222 (16 days; lunch incl.). (5 places available)
Payment: deposit to reassure your submission. Rest is due on first class day. The account number will be provided in the automatic reponse when subscribed. Spread payments are a possibility. Please send your request to
Participants: min. 10 – max 16
Dates: oktober 26-27, november 23-24 (2019), january 18-19, february 15-16, march 21-22, april 18-19, may 16-17 & june 27-28
Start: 10h-17h
Subscribe: via “Submit” or Submission is possible until 2nd weekend (23-24 november)
Level: Medium & Advanced
Facilities: Changing Room, floor heating, Lounge & Tea corner
Extra: Easy Clothing (yoga mats, cushions & pillows are provided)
Doors Open: 30 min. before start, via main entrance (streetside)
Address: Brugstraat 30, 3740 Bilzen, Belgium
Contact: via (preferably) or +32488473033
Free parking: See contactpage ( C.C. De Kimpel, eikenlaan 25)
Hotels: for suggestions see “hotels”
The location has a very nice energy. The owners and the teachers are wonderful persons, each adding their own experience to the course making it quite special. The group dynamic was unique and very harmonious despite the variety of characters and backgrounds. For sure it gave me more confidence and trust in being the person that I was meant to be.