Purification of the womb

Shamanka Aayla invites you for 3 evening gatherings where ceremonies for healing and purification of the womb will be initiated. Shamanka Aayla was born in the most eastern site of Siberia in a small village between the impenetrable and dense Taiga in Siberia. She was initiated by the lightning and the snow leopard at an early age.
When she grew older the Lynx of the Altai Mountain became her main totem and she moved with her family to the sacred river bank of the Sacred Angara river that flows out of the Baikal Lake in Siberia. Moreover then 20 years Aayla has been travelings, teaching and holding ceremonies for the earth and sharing her knowledge with the people of the earth. The last years she has dedicated mostly to guiding and healing the women of the earth. Aayla warmly welcomes you to these 3 evening gatherings for the healing of the womb that can be attended seperatly though it is warmly recommended to join all three for maximum benefit.
Gathering 1: Energetic Womb Purification
We welcome you to be part of this beautiful evening ceremony of healing the womb and boosting your immunity. The intention of this ceremony is to restore the health of woman so there can be a release of the woman’s natural energy so she can return to her natural power and be aligned with her own lineage.
This ceremony will help you to cleanse the womb of sexual and emotional bonding from previous and current relationships.
The womb could cleanse the lineage of a partner, this energy can cause health problems that can turn into diseases, effect the immunity of the woman, early aging & menopause and it could fade away functions of the female body.
What to bring : ❤️Bring a raw egg for the special ritual
Gathering 2: Healing and restoring the energy of the womb.
This ancient ceremony will support you to restore leaking energy of the womb. Traditionally after separating with a partner the woman will be guided through a ceremony with a shaman so she will be able to cut the energy connection to her ex-partner.
During sexual contact, a woman makes a connection through her womb with her partner, this energetic connection is always created while a woman has a sexual relationship with a partner.
Now a days Scientist have proven that if there is still a connection with the past partners energetic wise the woman loses up to 85% of her energy.
This Ancient ceremony allows you to cut the connection with the past partners and restores the energy of the womb so the leakage of energy will be removed and healed.
The energy of life will return, and new energy can slowly be built up and kept in womb of the woman.
Gathering 3: Purification and empowerment of the womb
This ancient ceremony will take you on a journey to discovery of your power and the power of the ancestors!
During this ceremony we work with an ancient shamanic icon that will guide you through this ceremony so you can experience the connection between the womb and the past of the ancestors.
You will experience the connection between the womb and the future of the family – the connection between the womb and the prosperity of the lineage.
This ancient ceremony will take you on a journey to discovery of your power and the power of the ancestors!
Practical information:
Teacher: Shamanka Aayla
Price: EUR 65/evening gathering
Language: English
Participants: min 10- max 20
Start: 19u-22u
Doors open: 30 min. before start
Reservation: Via “Inschrijven” or info@zennergi.com.
Payment: in cash
Extra: bring comfortable clothes (yoga mats & pillow are present).
Contact: via info@zennergi.com (by preference) or +32488473033
Address Purmerend: Kanaalstraat 10, 1441 KE, Purmerend, The Netherlands
Address Bilzen: Brugstraat 30, 3740 Bilzen, Belgium