Master Your emotions retreat (3 weekends – 9 days)

Bulgan Windhorse is known world wide for her empowering teachings. As she comes from the Kahn family in Mongolia – a well-known and direct family line of Shamans – she is a traditional and gifted wisdom keeper who helps people reconnect with their true power and identity. During four weekends which can change your life you will journey with Bulgan while she shares ancient knowledge and rituals for you to obtain mastery of your emotions. The following edition will be in the form of 3 intensive short retreats of 3 days for a limited group of max. 9 people.
Preview “Master your emotions” with Bulgan Windhorse
Testimonials participants “Master your emotions 2018”
More information about the renewed program will follow soon.
Practical information:
Price: EUR 2205 (All in, stay & catering for 9 days)
New dates: available soon
Check in: thursday evening between 19h & 21h.
Check out: sunday after the workshop
Retreat Zennergi: There are 10 beds divided over 4 comfortable rooms.
Payment: through deposit to reassure your submission. Rest is due by the first class day. The account number will be provided in the automatic reponse when subscribed. Spread payments are a possibility. Please send your request to
Participants: max 9
Start: 10h-17h (hours may vary)
Language: English
Subscribe: via “Submit” or
Level: Beginners & Advanced
Facilities: Changing Room, bath rooms, floor heating, Free Lounge & Tea corner
Extra: Bring own towls, easy clothing (yoga mats, cushions & pillows are provided)
Doors Open: 30 min. before start, via main entrance (streetside)
Contact: via (preferably) or +32488473033
Address Belgium: Brugstraat 30, 3740 Bilzen, Belgium
Free parking: See contactpage (C.C. De Kimpel, eikenlaan 25)
Hotels: for suggestions see “hotels”
With stories, a sense of humor, visualisation techniques and so much more took Bulgan, a very generous teacher, me and the group on a journey of teachings and healing techniques, insights and understanding. A new light on emotions in general and how understanding animals can help you grow. Working alone and working together with the group. Building up trust and confidence. For me as a coach and facilitator it was also very rich to learn new elements that I can use during my sessions with clients. Gratitude, love and laughter.
A subtle yet very powerful tool of connection, to oneself and to our co-beings in the Multiverse, and transformation, through the heart and a true sense of fraternity. There's one sentence that will stay with me forever : "It's not important who you were. It's important who you become." Thank you, Bulgan. My love and gratitude goes to you, my beautiful inspiring teacher.