Kundalini Retreat

Experience the healing power of the Kundalini energy during the 4 day Kundalini Retreat in July. You join yourself in the activation of your inner fire of purity. Through rituals, teachings, soundwork, breathwork ceremonies and asana’s you build up the Kundalini during the 4 days. New ways open while old patterns are permanentely reset in the light of your own pure fire.
Practical information:
Teacher: Michael Star Stone
Price: EUR 500 (4 days)
Data: 14-17 sep
Lunch & Dinner: +- 40EUR/pp/day (lunch/dinner)
Language: English & Dutch
Retreat: stay at the Home Zennergi retreat is possible based on donation
Participants: min 6
Start: 10h
Submit: via “Submit” or info@zennergi.com
Payment: in cash before the start of the first teaching day of the weekend.
Contact: via info@zennergi.com (by preference) or +32488473033
Address Belgium: Brugstraat 30, 3740 Bilzen
Free Parking: zie contactpagina