Into A Peaceful Future – Dance based Rite of Passage for Women

With her work ‘Into a Peaceful Future’ Corinna White Bear brings women of all generations back to dance and invites them to participate in the creation of the dance ceremony. Within this, she opens a creative path to learn about the feminine and the power of dance, to retell the feminine back.
This year we begin to gather for dance to root the feminine principle and weave an empowering community. Dance based Rite of Passages brings women back to dance. It opens a creative space to experience the feminine and to empower us women of all ages in our becoming and awakening of our creative life forces.
- For women and all who experience themselves as women, of all ages, who like to reconnect to themselves, learn about the powers of dance, who like to feel home in their bodies and find support in community during times of change and transformation.
- The safe and joyful space helps you connect easily when you have difficulty dancing. Everything happens in your own timing.
- You are welcome to bring something from Mother Earth for the prayer ceremony, such as flowers, leaves, sand, dried foods, nuts, grains etc.
- No experience required
- Welcome to wear comfortable, also ceremonial clothes, warm socks
On our journey we embark on a joyful and inner exploration of ourselves and the feminine principle. We open the day with a prayer that has its roots in the Despacho Ceremony of the Peruvian Quéro Traditions of the Andes. Here we meet in the now to see what is present. We encounter the beliefs that surround us and what it means to be a woman. We recognize the ways we are ready to leave behind.
In order to give birth to the new within us, we discover in dance the nature of ourselves and the powers that lie within us.
Reclaiming who we are happens through experiencing the movements, rythms and dynamics that truly belong to us. In our guided dance journeys we give the body the space to move where it wants to unfold and have time to come fully into our body. Dancing we discover the different phases of our becoming and being a woman. Inside we reconnect with the different phases of the moon and come into harmony with our creative nature. Here we find back into a deep communication with ourselves and can merge with what we are meant to be. Different music with different dynamics, rythms and voices carry us. Through deep listening we awaken the rythm of our body, merge with the different feelings and open ourselves to our manifold sensations. As wel as we can experience the powers and joy of dancing in a group of women.
Here we heal, remember and embody ourselves.
Various teachings about the feminine, such as themes around our creative lunar cycle, our fertility, spiritual knowledge about the womb, female menstruation, or the different phases of womanhood and the deep connection to the earth that we share, are woven between our dances.
Dance has always been part of woman’s rites of passage to arrive in their new state of becoming and to fully embody themselves. On the constant path of change and transition, dancing is meant to help us stay centered on the path that truly belongs to us. In addition, we weave a healthy and empowering foudnation upon which we women of all ages can unfold, according to our purpose.
Practical Information:
Teacher: Corinna White Bear
Price: EUR 290
Payment: cash
Date: 27-28 may 2023 in Bilzen
Start: 10H00 – 18H00
Language: English
Contact: (preference) or +3248847303
Adress : Brugstraat 10, Bilzen