Healing the ancestors & bones

“Healing the ancestors and bones” is a longterm education program that brings healing on the ancestor line as well as in the physical bones. The tradition of Siberian Shamanism holds different healing techniques, teachings and ceremonies that will be shared during 8 days (2x 4 days) of intensive healing. You learn both physical techniques as well as shamanic ceremonies who support the healing of bones and ancestoral programs.

For whom?
This healing program is for everyone who wishes to learn and experience healthy bones and ancestor lines or who wishes to grow as a healer in this field. Especially for massage therapists, healers and other physically oriented therapists this program can be of added value to their expertise.

What to expect?

Charging bones grants internal structure, strenght and suppleness. A clean skeleton is a beautiful instrument for deep grounding and resonance with the subtle, ethereal and spiritual world. Tuning it to the essential.

Healing the Ancestors is in the tradition of Siberian Shamanism substantial the fulfillment of your own life. We are connected to our own energetic roots in the same way a tree’s roots take care of nutrition and anchoring. Our anchestors have passed on life. Their blueprint is an important factor concerning our own welfare. With strong and healthy roots, you will thrive without effort.

Ahamkara, living in the Altai, has been educated and initiated by the Siberian shaman Arzjana.

Practical information:
Teachers: Siberian shaman Ahamkara
Price: EUR 1200
(8 days, excl. catering)
Catering: 20 EUR/lunch

Dates 2023: October 5-8 (Weekend 1) & November 16-19 (Weekend 2)
Participants: min 12-max 18
Hours: 10h-17h
Language: English
Payment: deposit to reassure your submission. Rest is due in cash on first class day. The account number will be provided in the automatic reponse when subscribed.
via “submit” or via info@zennergi.com
Contact: via info@zennergi.com or +32488473033
Address: Brugstraat 30, 3740 Bilzen, Belgium
Hotels: for suggestions see “hotels

Healing the ancestors & bones


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