Healing man-woman relation

Siberian Shaman Ahamkara will guide this 2 day workshop on the healing power of man-woman relationship. Inspired by his own tradition he will share teachings and healing rituals for creating happiness and balance in your partner relation. This workshop is for everyone who is interested in learning more about harmonious relationships from a siberian shamanic perspective.
Content of workshop “Healing Man-Woman relation” and participants’ reviews about Ahamkara
During this 2 day workshop you will plant seeds for growth. Many aspects of partnerrelationships will be put into a new “siberian” perspective.
You will discover:
- how to create happiness with yourself, with your partner and your family
- how to avoid conflicts and pain in your relationships
- your own purpose and the one of your partner
- the role of family karma and the impact of it on your own relation
- your personal responsabilities and those of your partner
- the biggest differences between you and your partner
- how your partner reflects your own personal healing proces
- interesting tools and insights that strengthen the relationship with your yourself and your partner
- shamanic rituals who bring balance in your personal life and your relationship with your partner
A shaman has the role to bring balance and healing to the tribe. From the perspective of Siberian shamanism the 4 big spirits will bring healing and understanding to your role within a relationship. In this way a natural balance and support will unfold as your predetermined goal within the tribe, on earth and in the bigger picture can be fulfilled. A shaman helps to create balance through sharing knowledge and guiding rituals for healing relationships.
Other education programs & workshops of Ahamkara:
- “ Totem & poweranimal rituals” – evening rituals: bear, snake, deer, crow, wolves & eagles
- “7 Shamanic death rituals” – 7 rituals (can be followed seperately)
- “Siberian Shamanic Healing Program” – 14 days
- “Healing internal organs Program” – 16 days
- “Healing Man-Woman relation” – 2 days
Practical information:
Teacher: Siberian Shaman Ahamkara
Price: EUR 275 (lunch included)
Date: 23-24 feb 19′
Start: 10h-17h
Level: all levels
Subscribe: via “Submit” or info@zennergi.be
Payment: deposit to reassure your submission. Rest is due on first class day. The account number will be provided in the automatic reponse when subscribed.
Facilities: Changing Room, floor heating, Free Lounge & Tea corner
Extra: Easy Clothing (yoga mats, cushions & pillows are provided)
Doors Open: 30 min. before start, via main entrance (streetside)
Address: Brugstraat 30, 3740 Bilzen, Belgium
Contact: via info@zennergi.be (preferably) or +32488473033
Free parking: See contactpage ( C.C. De Kimpel, eikenlaan 25)
Hotels: for suggestions see “hotels”