The awakened spirit wheel of dreaming perception

O-Hey-O Friends,
This coming weekend I will be holding the ancient ceremonies of The awakened spirit of dreaming perception.
These spectacular and authentic North American tribal ceremonies awakens and activates spiritual perception and awareness.
This Way makes it possible to see into and move through the Dreamtime Reality of the Great Spiritual Wind Directions which brings Together the Body, “Earth Medicines” and the Spirit, “Perception and Awareness” into One Being of Wholeness, Wisdom and Knowledge which is the true nature of our Existence.
The rituals and ceremonies are divided into three groups of personal medicines;
First is the magic of spirit colors.
Second is the direct communication (one to one) with the spirits of the Totems and Ancestors (also star nations) heart guides through the dreamtime reality.
Third is personal earth medicines minerals, crystals, spiritual tools like drums rattles etc. then the full understanding of spiritual symbols and the fascination of runes.
We have a wonderfully big space with lots of room so you will be very comfortable.
So if you hear the spirits calling, then don’t let anything stop you or hold you back from your quest for spiritual knowledge.
This Is an Invitation for a Journey of the Spirit !
So please feel welcome friends and I will be pleased to meet you at the upcoming spiritual ceremonies of the medicine wheel.
Love, Peace and Many Bright Blessings,
Chief Dancing Thunder
Praktische informatie:
Teacher: Chief Dancing Thunder
Price: EUR 450 (3 days, lunch excl.)
Payment: through deposit to reassure your submission. Rest is due in cash on first class day or by transfer. The account number will be provided in the automatic reponse when subscribed. Spread payments are a possibility. Please send your request to
Dates: October 23-25
Participants: Min: 14 – Max 24
Start: +- 10h – 17h
Language: English
Subscribe: via “Submit” or
Level: Beginners & Advanced
Doors Open: 30 min. before start, via main entrance (streetside)
Contact: via (preferably) or +32488473033
Address the Netherlands: KC, Kanaalstraat 10, Purmerend, the Nederlands