Into A Peaceful Future – Dancing Day

With her work ‘Into a Peaceful Future’ Corinna White Bear brings women of all generations back to dance and invites them to participate in the creation of the dance ceremony. Within this, she opens a creative path to learn about the feminine and the power of dance, to retell the feminine back.
The Dancing Day is a regular gathering to enjoy dancing together and being in circle. It opens a supportive space to join together and to experience the pure feminine principle.
For whom?
- For women and all who experience themselves as women
- No experience required
- Welcome to wear comfortable, also ceremonial clothes, warm socks
We start in circle to meet and share. We have the time to each other’s different paths and vaious backgrounds to arrive in our day. We open our dancing with a prayer that has its roots in the Despacho Ceremony of the Peruvian Quéro Traditions of the Andes.
On our following guided journey, we merge dancing with our feelings and emotions, opening to our sensations and giving the body space to move to where it likes to unfold. Different music with different dynamics, rythms and voices carry us through the day. We reconnect our heart and awaken the nurturing rythms of the womb and the healingful expression of our dancing. As we move, we come back into deep sensing and communicationwith ourselves and give space to what likes to be expressed.
Through experiencing the movements, rythms and dynamics that truly belong to us, we reclaim dancing of who we are and coming home into our body. Experiencing ourselves in motion and giving space to feel and express ourselves is a very empowering act.
Every human being is meant to dance, and from earliest times we women have joined together in dance ceremonies to be in tune with our cyclical nature and the cosmic constellations. We are creational beings who dream and weave life into existence through our creative expressions. By exploring ourselves through dance, voice or art, we can fully connect with our powers. We awaken our life forces and find our way back into the cyclical and creative nature of our Self.
Through this nurturing journey we have created a supportive base on which to merge with who we are, having the trust of being fully present in our bodies and find safety in the group. By listening deeply within, we root the feminine principle in its many aspects within us and on our earth. We remember, we heal, and we can embody ourselves.
Centering deeply through sharing circles and dancing together should support us to stay grounded during the changes and transformations we go through. Furthermore to weave a healthy and empowering fundament on that we women can unfold according to our purposes.
Praktische informatie:
Teacher: Corinna White Bear
Prijs: 145 EUR
Betaling: cash
Data: 26 maart 2023 in Bilzen; 1 april 2023 in Purmerend
Start: 10H00 – 18H00
Taal: Engels
Inschrijven: rechtsboven via “inschrijven” of
Contact: via (bij voorkeur) of +3248847303
Adres : KC, Kanaalstraat 10, Purmerend / Brugstraat 10, Bilzen