Expansion with Whale and Dolphin Spirits

Karine is a biodynamic craniosacral therapist, breathwork coach, she is also an energy healer/shaman from different traditions (Tibetan, Māori, Native Indian, Siberian) working on trauma and transgenerational healings. Since 2014 Karine has been following long term shamanic paleolithic knowledge from Chief Dancing Thunder, and assisting in Temple Teachings ceremonies.
DAY 1 : Conscious Listening and Deepening with the Whale Spirit
Whales keep the archives and memories of the earth in two ways: first in their DNA, in their very large cellular mass, and secondly in their songs, which are very elaborate and contain a lot of information. These songs are very long and cover a lot of frequencies. The whales are clairaudients, quite telepathic, very psychically developed, and they can hear very low and high frequencies. The whale teaches the ability to listen; to have access to universal information and intelligence. A good measure of silence and conscious listening is required to hear very deep messages. The whale can help us to achieve this essential receptivity. Whale is exposing your need to disconnect from distractions and step back from what you think you are meant to do and instead, spend more time delving deeper into your subconscious and connection to Spirit so that you can discern what your true path really is.
DAY 2 : Fun and Play with the Dolphin Spirit
Dolphins are masters at communication, using a complex structure of clicks and whistles. Dolphins represent communication and the ability to advance to supernatural levels. They remind us to be playful and friendly and to not keep our guard up but to use our skills to be protective of those who need it. The dolphin spirit reminds you to look for opportunities for collaboration based around shared goals, values, and interests and where you can relax and have fun and joy with like-minded individuals who also stimulate you. Consciousness of Whales and Dolphins comes from a planet near Sirius to keep the archives of our planet and humanity. They remind us of our galactic mission to protect and enhance all life on earth.
This transformative workshop includes journeying with drums, sounds, breathwork, transdance. Contra-indication: shamanic journey is suitable for all, but the breathwork is not suitable for pregnant ladies or people suffering from heart or lung conditions, epilepsy, psychosis. Please inform the teacher upfront for alternative technics.
Teacher: Karine Heartfire
Prijs: EUR 330
Inschrijven: Online via “Inschrijven” of via info@zennergi.com.
Start: 10u-18u
Taal: Engels (Nederlandse vertaling mogelijk)
Data: 7-8 oktober (Purmerend)
Betaling: cash, ter plaatse voor aanvang
Niveau: Beginners & Gevorderden; Iedereen kan ten alle tijde mee instappen
Benodigdheden: gemakkelijke kledij, deken, kussen, blinddoek (yogamatjes aanwezig)
Inloop: 30 min. voor aanvang, via hoofdingang (straatkant)
Contact: via info@zennergi.com (bij voorkeur) or +32488473033
Adres België: Brugstraat 30, 3740 Bilzen, België
Adres Nederland: KC, Kanaalstraat 10, Purmerend, Nederland
What a magical weekend. The beautiful, old knowledge from the Whale, the playfullnes from the dolfins. Receiving amazing healings under the lovely guidance of Karine Heartfire. Karine's beautiful, calm and loving guidance made it a weekend to never forget. Thank you Karine.
Het weekend bij Zenergi was een welgekomen geschenk. Het verblijf is prachtig, het is niet moeilijk om te genieten als je in zo een mooi huis bent. De lunches waren super goed verzorgd, veel groenten! Daar word ik blij van. De kleine lekkernijen zorgde voor een huiselijke gezelligheid. De helingsreis met de walvissen en dolfijnen werd zeer fijn gebracht. Ik voelde een groot vertrouwen in Karinne, Fireheart. Dat zorgde voor een bijzondere krachtige reis, waardoor er weer een paar puzzelstukjes in elkaar mochten vallen. Mijn dankbaarheid is groot. Na dit weekend had ik tijd nodig om even te landen, om vanuit de hogere sferen weer sterk geworteld deel te nemen aan het aardse leven, dat is gelukt. Met weer meer vertrouwen in de kracht van mijn hart. Duizendmaal dank!