4 Hands Healing: Traditional Eagle Healing

“After a lot of stress and a long time of caring for others I felt it was time to take good care of myself. And who could I entrust myself to better than Eva and Michael; I know that they are very pure and skilled healers and that I am absolutely safe in their hands. They both know the spiritual realm like the back of their hand, yet in contact they are always down to earth, super sympathetic and fun to be with.
It was a very beautiful, almost sacred experience.
We sat down on a blanket and had a chat before I lay down and closed my eyes… I heard the sounds of the drum, the rattles, the gong, the singing bowls and other old instruments. Together Eva and Michael knelt down next to me and I felt the touch of their healing hands. Eva sang and babbled the Indian language of her Grandmothers… sometimes she seemed to communicate… with the eagles? … I got some visions and felt like a baby eagle in a nest; Eva told me later that she had seen this as well and that ‘Sun Eagles’ had come quickly and were all around us to help..
The healing came for me in a time of transformation; Michael confirmed this afterwards; I was cleansed on all levels, not the same anymore; ready to fly out and discover a new way of life..”